Monday, August 6

Freebies, Challenges and Adorable 4 and 1/2 month olds

So if you missed it yesterday, I posted a FREE ALPHA SET at DSP for ya!  Be sure to grab it up!  It will eventually make its way over to the store to be sold, so grab it NOW NOW NOW!!!

Then while you are over rocking and rolling and DSP, be sure to stop by my CAFE Challenge and join us for the Vintage Steampunk Challenge!!!  I WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU SCRAP!!!  (that is not me yelling, that is me being totally excited, but unfortunately there is no way to convey that via typing....)

And just so you can melt a little here is a layout I scrapped of my Dylie Bear!  I LOVE MY DYLAN!!!  Isn't he too stinkin' cute!  The kid's awesome!  He smiles, sleeps, and laughs.  And BARELY EVER CRIES!  I seriously hit the jackpot with this kid! 


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