Monday, January 23

New. Old. and Random Thoughts....

New: Starting on January 26th (Thursday) a NEW CAFE challenge will start featuring this NEW kit: VINTAGE SHOW TOTAL DRAMA

Here is the layout I created using the kit earlier this month!!!

Old: Right now a there is a CAFE challenge going on (ends Wednesday, Jan 25th at midnight Eastern) featuring CREATE, INSPIRE, PLAY!!!

COME JOIN US!!! You still have PLENTY OF TIME!!!

Random Thoughts: So as of a week and 1/2 ago I am on modified (meaning I don't have to stay in bed 100% of the time, I have LIMITED freedom...I can sit, take a shower *thank goodness*, make myself a snack, etc) bedrest....(INSERT GIANT SIGH HERE!) are some random thoughts I have had....since I have had WAY too much time to think!!!!
1- Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?
2- What is the purpose of fingernails?
3- Coffee is good....
4- Gummy bears are better....
5- Dots and Swedish fish are best of all....
6- Why, when you CAN'T clean, does your house suddenly look SO DIRTY????



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